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False friends VIII

false friends 8.png

False friends are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. Here are some more examples of the most common mistakes:

1. False friend: rendition

Correct meaning: interpretación (rendición = surrender)

Example: Su interpretación de la canción fue fantástica. Nos encantó.

Her rendition of the song was great. We loved it.

2. False friend: idiom

Correct meaning: modismo, dialecto (idioma = language)

Example: Los modismos nos dan una percepción interesante sobre otras culturas.

Idioms give us interesting insights into other cultures.

*Note: It could be translated as “idioma” but when we refer to a style of expression and not to a language.

Example: Pedro siempre utiliza un idioma familiar y simple para expresar sus ideas.

Peter always uses a familiar and simple idiom to convey his ideas.

3. False friend: to dice

Correct meaning: cortar en dados, en cubitos, trocear (decir = to say, to tell)

Example: Corta en dados la cebolla y mézclala con el ajo y la carne.

Dice the onion and mix it with the garlic and the meat.

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