Verbs that take a preposition IV
We have already posted many verbs that take a preposition in the last months. Let’s see five new ones with a few examples.
Volver a: to do something again.
Ejemplos. Examples.
No he recibido tu correo electrónico todavía, ¿podrías volver a enviármelo, por favor? I haven´t received your mail yet, could you send it to me again, please?
Nos encanta esa película. Nos gustaría mucho volver a verla. We love that movie. We´d really like to watch it again.
Quedar con: to arrange to meet somebody, to agree to meet somebody.
Ejemplos. Examples.
No puedo quedar con tu hermano hoy, ¿qué tal mañana a las 5 de la tarde? I can´t arrange to meet your brother today, what about tomorrow at 5pm?
¿Quedamos en tu casa? Do we arrange to meet at your home?
Aprovecharse de: to abuse, to take advantage of.
Ejemplos. Examples.
Eres rico y famoso. Hay mucha gente que intenta aprovecharse de ti. You are a rich and famous man. There are a lot of people who try to take advantage of you.
Su jefe se aprovecha de su poder para amenazar a sus empleados. His boss abused his power to threaten employees.
Molestarse en: to take the trouble to (do something), make the effort to (do something).
Ejemplos. Examples.
No te molestes en venir a verme al hospital, voy a salir esta tarde. Don´t take the trouble (make the effort) to come to see me in the hospital, I´m going to leave this afternoon.
Me molesté en preparar la cena para nada, no vino nadie a la fiesta. I took the trouble (made the effort) to cook dinner for nothing, nobody came to the party.
Aprovechar para: to take advantage of the opportunity to, to take the opportunity to, to use the opportunity to.
Ejemplos. Examples.
Quieren aprovechar para aprender español este verano. They want to take the opportunity to learn Spanish this summer.
Aprovecho para leer en el avión cuando el vuelo es muy largo. I use the opportunity to read on the airplane when the it´s a long flight.
*Remember: In Spanish when you use a verb after a preposition, you always need to use the infinitive form.