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False friends

False friends are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have differents meanings. Here are some of the most common mistakes:

  1. False friend: actually

Correct meaning: en realidad/ de hecho

Example: En realidad / de hecho, no estuve allí pero te dije que sí.

Actually I wasn't there but I told you I was.

2. False friend: to attend

Correct meaning: asistir + a

Example: Tienes que asistir a la reunión esta noche.

You have to attend meeting this evening.

3. False friend: sensible

Correct meaning: sensato

Example: You are a vey sensible woman.

Tú eres una mujer muy sensata.

4. False friend: to realize

Correct meaning: darse cuenta de

Example: We realized that you were lying.

Nosotros nos dimos cuenta de que estabas mintiendo.

5. False friend: to ask a question

Correct meaning: hacer una pregunta

Example: She asked me a question.

Ella me hizo una pregunta.

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