Easter traditions in Spain
Tradiciones curiosas de Semana Santa en España. La pasión envuelve las calles españolas. España es uno de los países que vive más...
Idiomatic expressions with "OJO"
Here you can find some of the most common expressions with “ojo” in Spanish. * Costar un ojo de la cara : to cost an arm and a leg . La...

Ten dishes you shouldn't miss if you travel to Mexico
Diez platillos imperdibles al viajar por México. En años recientes la gastronomía mexicana fue nombrada por la Unesco Patrimonio Cultural...
Verbs that change meaning in the Preterite and Imperfect
Because the preterite tense implies that an action occurred either at a specific time or over a specific period of time, certain verbs...

We are going to start an itinerary through our teacher’s cities or regions. This week : SANTANDER, a beautiful city located in Cantabria...

Double Negatives
In Spanish, in many cases, use of double negatives is required. Even triple negatives are possible. Some negative terms can be used...
The 101 best books of Spanish literature
Do you want to read a book in Spanish but you don’t know which one to choose? Here you can find a list with some of the best books...
MUY (very) Muy is an adverb. There is only one form. It doesn’t change in gender or number. You can use MUY before and adjective or...
Interesting article about the growing importance of the Spanish in the world.
LA IMPORTANCIA DEL ESPAÑOL Más de 400 millones de personas lo tienen como lengua materna y otros tantos lo estudian como segundo idioma....

"YA" 2nd Part
We have already learnt six different uses of "YA". Depending on the context "YA" also could mean: 1. Nuisance: ¡Ya es hora! ¡Llevo...